
Northern Siamese and Oriental Cat Society is a UK Cat Club and is a member of the GCCF

Northern Siamese and Oriental Cat Society

Mrs D Brown 2012

Such a friendly show, it really was a pleasure to be judging here again, particularly as the quality of the cats was high, my thanks for the judging invitation and for also allowing me to have my jewellery stall. A total of £60 was raised for the cancer charity AICR, which is a wonderful amount for a smaller show, thank you to everyone who bought something and I hope you enjoy your purchases. Many thanks also to  my steward Jo Law once again, I hope you enjoyed your day.

Siamese /Balinese Male Grand Champion.
GD CC – Knowlson’s CH DRESTOTHRILL DJANGO (24b) M 19/04/11. A lovely boy for type and style, beautifully developed for his age and very masculine.  Excellent head type with wide top line and very large flared ears set to balance.  Strong roman profile which gives him a very superior look indeed, chin lines up with the nose tip, bite level. Very good eye shape and set with snooty expression, colour could be considerably deeper.  Long well muscled body with long whip to balance. Points rather dark and slightly cool in tone, pale ivory coat with minimal shading to tone, length and texture very good. Excellent to handle and beautifully presented.

R – Howarth’s CH MIYASAMA MOURHINO (24) M 04/06/09.  Overall an attractive male, a mature boy, he was rather tense and did not show himself to advantage.  Even and well balanced medium length wedge, top of head very good with large ears set to follow. Eye shape good, expression rather worried, colour could be marginally deeper for a seal but was bright in tone. Almost straight profile, chin and bite good. Long lean, firm toned body and well muscled body, tail to balance. Dense warm toned seal points, pale creamy coat with minimal shading, the contrast was impressive for a mature seal, coat length and texture good and lying close. Sweet tempered, excellently presented.

Siamese /Balinese Female Grand Champion.
GD CC – Knowlson’s CH DRESSTOTHRIL RUM DAIQUARI (24) F 19/04/11. Lovely size and substance to this young female of very good type. Stylish wedge head almost balances, top line very good and the ears are very large and excellently set. Strong profile almost straight, with a slight rise between the eyes, nose marginally long but it does give her a very snooty look, chin good, bite scissored over, small pinch to muzzle.  Oriental eye shape and set, colour could be a little deeper for a seal. Long elegant and substantial body with good tail. Dark dense seal points, a little cool in tone, good contrast to coat with just the lightest of shading to tone, good for length and sleek in texture. Excellent to handle and beautifully presented

2nd , R w/h -  Not in the catalogue, so no name unfortunately, (32b1) F 4yrs 7 months. A neat little queen of very good type. Medium length head, even and well balanced with large very well set ears. Super eyes, excellent for shape set and expression with deep but brilliant sapphire blue colour. Good profile chin and bite.  Longish body with good substance, unfortunately, she has a small umbilical hernia, confirmed by the duty vet, and thus my reason for withholding the certificate, tail a little short for balance. Attractive tortie pattern with mask half seal and half mid red, other points very well mingled. Coat shaded overall in seal tortie, length good, texture rather harsh down the spine.  Excellent temperament and presentation.

Cinnamon Point Siamese Adult
1st  CC w/h – Helm’s TILDEN TINTOFCIN (24k) F 30/01/09. A dainty little queen, basic type good but she was small and very immature looking for her age. Medium length wedge, top line needs more width for balance, ears of fairly good size set rather close, could be a little finer in the muzzle to complete the wedge shape.  Good shape and set to eyes with good depth of colour. Almost straight profile and firm chin, bite very untidy with just 3 incisors remaining. Long body, a little light-weight and lacking in muscle tone, with spine prominent. Rich cinnamon points, although there was some brinding to mask, particularly under the eyes. Completely unshaded coat, slightly long and over-fine in texture. A sweet lady but not in show condition today – post kittens perhaps?

Tabby Point Siamese Male Adult
CC – Clegg’s TSAICHIN BLAZINGCOMET (32/10) M 11/07/11. A huge chap for 9 months, type good, but very much a big baby with a rather innocent expression at present.  Fairly well balanced wedge with good top line and large ears well set. Eyes shape rather full, the colour could be deeper but was acceptable. Almost straight profile, good chin and bite.  Long weighty “puppy” body with tail to balance. Tabby markings good but rather puzzling for colour, his ears appeared to be red  – he has clear thumb prints, something you tend not to see with apricot, but his tail rings have the correct hot matte tones and his coat did look off white, I took him to the daylight but was still not sure. My feeling is that he is a muted red tabby rather than apricot tabby, but not being 100% certain I was not prepared to w/c him today, he is still very young and time will, hopefully, eventually tell.  Excellently presented.
Tabby Point Siamese Female Adult
CC & BOB – Palmer’s STYPERSON SONG BIRD (32/1) 24/05/11. A very elegant young female of lovely type. Stylish head with very good top line and large wide based ears set to follow. Super eyes for shape set and expression, with excellent depth of colour and brilliance of tone.  Strong profile, with firm chin and level bite. Elegant neck that she uses to full advantage, long slender but weighty body, short tail. Very dark seal tabby markings with well ringed tail. Beautifully sleek coat with minimal shading to tone. Excellent to handle and presented to perfection. I understand this makes her a champion today - congratulations.

2nd – Calloway’s SANGCHAN VIVA LADIVA (32/1) F 16/05/10. A neat little queen of good type, but with a lot of maturing to do. Wedge head with good top, nose perhaps a touch long for true balance, but ears of very good size and set. Very good depth of blue to eyes of oriental shape and set. Good profile and chin, the latter with a dear little beard, small pinch to muzzle, bite level. Long slender body and good tail. Ticked based tabby markings, blurred scarab, single cheek ribbons, narrow banding to limbs and tail reasonably well ringed. Coat quite heavily shaded for a youngster but length and texture good. Easy to handle and excellently presented.

Chocolate Point Siamese Neuter
BOB – Calloway’s PR DRESTOTHRIL DAQUARI (24b) MN 24/10/10. A handsome male neuter of stylish type. Well balanced medium length wedge with very good top of head and large beautifully flared ears set wide. Lovely expression to eyes of very good depth of blue. Straight profile and good chin with level bite. Long weighty but elegant body with super long whip tail. Points a tad dark but very warm in tone, coat of excellent close texture with the lightest of shading to tone. Excellent to handle and presented to perfection.

also considered for BOB – Mawson & Western’s PR BEACONHILL COCO TANG (24b) MN 31/03/10. I love the size and substance of this lad and he ran the other boy close for BOB. Strong head with broad top line and large ears very well set. Eyes a tad full but colour good. Profile, chin and bite good. Long substantial body with tail to almost balance. Darker but warm chocolate points, some brindling to mask with “specs” below the eyes. Good-ish texture to coat, perhaps a tad long but lying fairly close, with medium shading to tone. Such a friendly boy, excellently presented.

Havana Male Adult
BOB – Cassar –Simmonds’ IMP GD CH FIRODILISO INFIDELITY (29) M 15/09/09. Superior Havana male, strong and masculine with very good type and style. Strong head with very good top line, ears large flared and set to balance. Snooty expression to eyes of good green colour. Long imposing profile but seems to be missing some of the fur near the end of his nose, chin and bite good. Long well muscled body with long whip to balance. Havana coat a little dark but very warm in tone, free from ghosting but a little unsound right at the roots, length and texture excellent. A little shy and retiring today but gentle and easy to handle. Excellently presented.

Havana Female Adult.
CC – Davies’ SHERMESE SWEETGEORGIABROWN (29) F 16/04/11.  Attractive little queen. Stylish head with very wide top and large flared ears set to follow. Eyes oval in shape, olive green in colour. Good profile, really strong pugilistic chin which made me have a very good look at the bite, the upper incisors are slightly concave but the outer ones do meet.  Very good substance and tone to body of good length with tail to balance.  Warm toned mid Havana coat sound to roots,  there was some intermingling of ticked hairs throughout but not extensively so, changing her coat perhaps? length and texture very good. Very sweet tempered and easy to handle. Excellently presented.

Oriental Caramel Adult
BOB – Chivers’ GD CH DEDDANAN TREASURE-ME (37n) M 28/05/09.  Mature male with a strong medium wedge – albeit rather jowly, good size and set to ears.  Oriental eyes with good expression and clear pale green colour.  Straight profile, firm chin and level bite. Long strong and well muscled body, tapered tail just about balances.  Lilac-based caramel coat, virtually sound, free from ghosting and  with short close texture. This boy is such a sweetie to handle. Excellently presented.

Havana Kitten (6 – 9 months)
1st & BOB – Greaves’ TENAJ VIA DIVA (29) F  29/09/11.  A well grown kitten of overall good type. Medium length wedge with good-ish top line, ears fairly large and well set. Good eye shape and set with typical expression, colour two tone green. Almost straight profile, chin and bite okay. Well developed body with good weight and tone, good tail. Darker Havana coat but warm in tone,  free from tabby ghosting but marginally unsound today, coat length and texture very good. An easy babe to handle and excellently presented.

Oriental Spotted Tabby Kitten (6 – 9 months)
1st BOB w/h – Hirst’s SHIMILEETA SERENDIPITY (38) F 12/10/11. An attractive kitten for type and style. Medium length head with good top line, ears large, nicely flared and well set. Super eyes for shape, set, expression and colour. Profile good with firm chin and level bite. Long slender but well toned body with whip tail to balance.  Coat pattern shows well rounded and separate spots overall, a well broken spine line and two broken necklaces, all sound to roots. Unfortunately it is very heavily invaded with pale agouti hairs, which is a great pity. Coat texture lovely, short sleek and very close lying. The sweetest person, fluffing her tail up with joy and making puddings. Excellently presented.

Oriental Red Neuter
Two very nice boys, and it was close for the BOB between them, I just preferred the overall style of the younger lad today.
BOB – Websters PR NANPEMA FIDELIO (37d)  MN 02/05/11. A very elegant and stylish boy. Lovely head with very good top line and super large flared ears excellently set. Oriental eye shape and set with mid green colour. Good profile and chin with level bite. Long slender and well toned body  with whip tail to balance. Super rich red coat colouring, lots of spots at present but red to roots, excellent coat texture, short sleek and beautifully close lying. A little shy but gentle and easy to handle. Excellently presented.

Also considered for BOB – Websters’s GD PR NANPEMA FLAMENCO (37d) MN 08/03/10.  Lovely size and substance to this handsome boy.  Strong head with wide top line and large open based ears very well set.  Basic eye shape good but held rather full so not quite the expression of the other lad, but colour  good. Profile chin and bite good, but pinch to muzzle today. Long strong and weighty body, excellent long whip tail. Deep red coat colour with a good deal of spotting evident. Excellent coat texture, very similar to the other boy. Handled well, in top condition and excellently presented.

Oriental Longhair Neuter
BOB – Holder’s IMP GD PR MYLYNN MAGNIFIQUE (62 43s) MN 05/09/08. This gorgeous person needs no further superlatives from me, he has it all -  almost. Type, strength, excellent eye colour, and the true presence of a show cat.  To justify the “almost” his coat could be a tad longer today, and he does appear to be a Spotted rather than a Shaded, the spots are fairly clear still and the colour is just plain wrong for a Shaded cat of this age, it is still a heavy jet black and should have faded out to a diffuse dark pewter grey by now. Having said all this, I still think he is fabulous, with his temperament and presentation first class as always.

Siamese/Balinese Non-Breeders Female Adult
1st – Clegg’s TSAICHIN DOLLYMIXTURES (32b3) F 11/07/11. A dainty but stylish young female, perhaps a tad long in the muzzle. Eye colour mid blue. Warm mid chocolate tortie points, mask divided in two centre nose, with paler red on one side and chocolate on the other. Needs to mature but has potential. Excellent temperament.

2nd - Calloway’s SANGCHAN VIVA LADIVA (32/1) F 16/05/10.

3rd – Green’s TOGHAR PERSEPHONE (24r) F 24/06/11. Overall type and style good. Eyes a touch straight set, colour could be deeper but was acceptable. Pretty pale fawn points well matched.  Unshaded coat of very good length and texture. Excellent to handle.

Siamese/Balinese Novice Adult
1st – Corby & Dolan’s IKISHIROO MINIMAYHEM (24c) F 09/11/10. A dear lady but only fair for type,  and she is very immature looking for her age. Medium length head, needs to be finer in the muzzle and her ears could be larger.  Eyes a little full and more oval in shape than oriental, colour acceptable.  Points colour is pale but has a slightly blue over tone to it.  Very sweet tempered.

Siamese/Balinese Junior Adult
1st – Withers’ GD CH TINTALLY TICKERTY BOO (24n) F 15/05/10. This lady was looking very serene to day. Have commented on her many many times, so not much to add, She has lovely type and her points colour is perfect.  Handed well as always.

2nd – Brock’s GD CH KEVELS TWICE AS NICE (24b) M 18/04/10. A strong, stylish and masculine boy with a lovely wicked expression. Again I have handled this chap many times and my comments remain the same, his points are rather dark and he is quite shaded for a relatively young cat of this colour, texture rather too fine today. Easy to handle for an entire.

ex 2nd - Knowlson’s CH DRESSTOTHRIL RUM DAIQUARI (24) F 19/04/11

3rd - Clegg’s TSAICHIN DOLLYMIXTURES (32b3) F 11/07/11

Siamese Breeders Kitten Male
1st – Johnson’s SULALAYA ICEWARRIOR (32/4) MN 18/08/11. A thumping great kitten, type very good. Longer wedge, top line could be a tad wider, ears very large and well set.  Eye colour bright mid blue.  Huge “puppy” body and very large paws, tail needs an inch to balance. Tabby points colour pinkie toned lilac, a rare sight indeed these days. Unshaded magnolia coat. An impressive chap, I would be interested to see how he develops. Easy to handle.

Siamese/Balinese Non-Breeders Neuter Female
1st – Meekings’ IMP GD CH & IMP GD PR FIROUSI FREEDSPIRIT (32c) FN 26/03/03. The  beautiful lady neuter with the perfect cream points colour. Another old friend of whom I have said it all. Lovely type, very elegant for a neuter, eye colour could be deeper but is acceptable. Perfect to handle and in immaculate condition for a 9 year old.

2nd – Weatherall’s GD PR BURNTHWAITES GOOD-TIME-GIRL (32b1) FN 13/08/10. A good sized lady neuter of very good type. Stylish head with wide top and very large ears. Eye shape set and expression very good, colour has good depth but could be brighter in tone. Chin lines up but needs to be deeper. Well mingled seal tortie points showing some good bright red on the ears, coat heavily shaded. Very sweet tempered.

ex 2nd – Rycraft’s ASHJOLEX AURORABOREALIS (32b8) FN 07/04/11. A young female of very good type. Points colour still developing, brownish overtones still to show but the apricot mingling has good hot tones.  Lovely eyes for shape set and expression with brilliant colour. Sweet tempered.

3rd – Veal’s PIPISTRELLE ESMERALDA (32b1) FN 08/02/11.  Good type overall. well balanced head, but profile not quite straight with a bump to the end of the nose, and she has a tiny pinch today. Eye colour has good depth but needs to be brighter on tone. Well mingled points with lots of rich red evident. Lovely temperament.

Oriental Breeders Adult Female
1st -  Sharpe’s MEESONA MY-DELIGHT (48 40b) F 13/03/10. Not the largest of ladies but quite weighty, and overall a well balanced girl.  She has very good depth of blue to her eye colour given the amount of white she has. Points dark chocolate, white areas correct and plentiful, line down tummy just about complete. Coat unshaded. Excellent temperament.

2nd – Hirst’s TOGHAR FAWNTASIA (37r) F 24/06/11. An elegant girl, overall type good. Excels for colour, eyes, which are a really intense green, and coat, which is the correct warm mushroom – albeit a touch ghosted and marginally unsound, but coat texture gorgeous, very short close and sleek. Rather a bad person so my assessment had to be quick.

3rd – Corby & Dolan’s CH IKISHIROO CASCADE KIKIMA (29c) F 09/09/09.  A mature girl of good type. Head well balanced, eye  shape good with pale green colour. Coat colour looked better today, a frosty grey tone with a hint of pink, still a little bit unsound but length and texture good. Shy but gentle.

Oriental Debutante Adult M or F
1st – Hirst’s SHIMILEETA SEXIANSINFUL (37k) 17/06/11. A big strong chap for just under 10 months. Head type good with good width to top line and large flared ears very well set, showing a pinch today.  Coat a good rich cinnamon colour although there some ticked hairs interspersed throughout and it is a little unsound, but very good for length and texture. Excellent to handle.

2nd – Brown’s SYBELLA TULULA MAY  (37k) F 04/07/11. An attractive queen but very cross and I do wonder if she had taken exception to the overtures of the bloke next door.  Type very good and she has wonderful intense green eye colour. Her cinnamon coat is rich and spicy toned but rather unsound today, length and texture excellent.

3rd – Brown’s WESTGARTH SILVERHEELS (29c) F 15/06/11. A young queen of overall good type, medium length wedge a touch narrow at the top but ears a fairly good size. Good eye shape and set with pale green colour.  Mid lilac coat could show more pinkish tones and was very unsound today, length and texture very good.  Calling desperately.

Oriental Junior Adult M or F
1st - Brown’s SYBELLA TULULA MAY  (37k) F 04/07/11

Oriental Visitors Adult M or F
1st - Cassar –Simmonds’ IMP GD CH FIRODILISO INFIDELITY (29) M 15/09/09

2nd - Sharpe’s MEESONA MY-DELIGHT (48 40b) F 13/03/10

3rd - Chivers’ GD CH DEDDANAN TREASURE-ME (37n) M 28/05/09
ex 3rd – Robert’s ADECISH PIPER (37h) F 08/12/09. A nice big girl of good type but her colour was interesting. She is a dark cold chocolate intermingled with mainly paler red, she shows all the signs of being a smoke but the silver undercoat is minimal, even at the base of the ears where it is usually very obvious. In a cat of over two years I would have expected to find more, so it presents its own difficulties if she is re-registered, not every one will find it. I think she is smoke, even the coat texture suggests a silver cat.  Very sweet tempered, put up with all the rummaging around in her fur, bless her.




Webmaster Kathryn Miles, email: siamese@siamese.org.uk Copyright © Northern Siamese & Oriental Cat Society